What makes Stack Overflow so successful? I was thinking about this the other day. What came before Stack Overflow? Mostly forums and mailing lists. And in a forum or a mailing list, what you get is a pile-up of data in basically chronological order.
This turns out to be a difficult structure for asking and answering questions. So what Stack Overflow really did was this:
- Constrain the domain of possibilities to questions & answers
- Elaborate the types of communication that happen in that context, their operators and semantics
You can talk about anything on a forum, or a mailing list. It’s not confined to technical questions and answers. But supposing that’s all you’re doing, the chronology gets in the way. You wind up helping people serially with the same problems over and over. Some idiot chimes in with unhelpful, unproductive advice. You have to read through it and so does the next guy coming through. In a long forum chain on a single topic, the software may be evolving, and the first ten or hundred pages of dialogue may not be relevant to the current release. The forum can’t order posts by helpfulness or they won’t make sense because of the implicit context.
Stack Overflow fixes these problems by adding constraints. You can’t have a free-form response to a question; you have to either Answer or leave a Comment. The semantics of comments is that if they are low quality, they can be hidden. The semantics of answers is that they can be reordered according to their utility. There are different operators for questions, answers and comments. And the whole system is built around various functions of questions, answers and comments.
How many other systems are there that suffer from chronological pile-ups due to lack of constraints, operators and semantics? One that comes to mind is bug/issue trackers like JIRA. Sure we have a lot of objects in the system—issues, milestones, components, etc. But at the end of the day, each ticket allows an unlimited chronologically-sorted pile-up. Is there a workaround in that pile? Maybe; grab a cup of coffee and start reading, buddy. How do you distinguish a request from the developer for more information from the response from the user from administrativia about what release it should go in? You read the comments, in order.
I’m not aware of a system that solves this by not allowing unconstrained “replies” to tickets, but I think that would be an interesting piece of software to use.